Compare 2 Photo Libraries


Once you have your totals, compare it to the totals for a second image. You might find that each image has a fairly unique footprint, enough to identify matches. How about using Edge Detection. (source: With two similar pictures edge detection should provide you with a usable and fairly reliable unique footprint. It breaks down the cost per photo and identifies the basic conditions of each stock photo agency so that you can better understand what you get. We have also another list with 12 of the best free and cheap stock photos. #1: Stock Photo Secrets 99club – Cheap Annual Deal. #2: Shutterstock Subscription – Low Prices & Huge Library. Find duplicate photos. It can be easy to have multiple copies of the same photo creep into your iPhoto libraries. IPhoto Library Manager lets you search for duplicates in one or more libraries, view them side by side, and take actions on them, such as moving duplicates to the trash, tagging them with keywords, and more. Another way is to select the two photos. Then use File, Print or Command+P. This instantly shows them both side-by-side in the print preview. You can use the layouts on the right to try different arrangements as well. Then just click Cancel at the bottom when you are done comparing. One more way to do it that comes to mind is to use Preview. This tool lets you compare reference images from digital cameras side-by-side. These images are JPEGs straight from the camera, and were taken under carefully-controlled conditions.

Photo hunt is a popular spot the difference type of game where two nearly matching images are given and you are required to find the differences before the time runs out. Even if the photos are placed next to each other, sometimes it is nearly impossible to find all the differences in a given time. A way to have a better chance of winning is to get more people to play together with you so that the chances of spotting the difference are much higher. However, you might find it really difficult especially when you are playing it alone.

An easy way to automatically find the difference between two images is by using computer software to do it for you. Software such as Adobe Photoshop has the ability to analyze an image to accurately find the difference but it is unsuitable for users not involved in graphic design since Photoshop is expensive and not so user friendly. Here we have 5 free tools that can compare and find the differences between two nearly identical looking images.

To use any of the image comparison programs below on the Photo Hunt game, you should first save the two images as different files either using a screenshot capturing software or by pressing the Print Screen button and paste it to Paint. Then use the crop function to cut out areas that are out of the photo.

1. ImageMagick

ImageMagick comes with a few command line utilities to manipulate images. Although the utilities are command line based, the Windows binary package is currently at over 75MB in size and you only need the single compare.exe tool that is found in the ImageMagick archive. The command line below will use ImageMagick’s compare.exe tool to compare between the firstimage.png and secondimage.png file, and the difference will be saved to new file called outputdifference.png.

compare.exe firstimage.png secondimage.png outputdifference.png

The difference is highlighted in red color.

2. PerceptualDiff

PerceptualDiff is an open source command line image comparison tool hosted on SourceForge. It is only 20KB in file size and supports a very limited number of image formats, which are TIFF and PNG. This is not really a problem because the image format can be easily converted through online web services or even Microsoft Paint that is built in to the Windows operating system.

The command line is to compare between images is quite similar to the ImageMagick’s compare tool except you need to include the -output option.

perceptualdiff.exe firstimage.png secondimage.png -output outputdifference.png

The default options for the output file will only show a black background with the difference highlighted in blue.

3. Image Comparer

If you prefer an easier to use graphical user interfaced based program to compare between images, you can give Image Comparer a try. Image Comparer is a single portable executable file, so just run it and browse the first and second image, then click the Compare button.

If you see “False” in the “Is Same?” box, click at the View Differences link and go to the Differences tab to see the highlighted location of the differences.

Do take note that Image Comparer requires .NET Framework 3.5 to run.

4. imageDiff

imageDiff is another GUI based image comparison freeware tool that is easy to use. After installation, run the program, click on the “Left” button to select the first image followed by clicking on the “Right” button to select the second image. Optionally, you can increase the threshold level if the images contain a lot of small differences which you’d like imageDiff to ignore. Click the Compare button and the differences can be shown in either 4 different modes (Monochrome, X-Ray, Predator, Thermal).

imageDiff requires MSVCR71.dll which is a Microsoft Visual C Runtime library to run. The DLL file is not included in the installer but can be easily downloaded from the Internet.

5. Resemble.js

Compare 2 Photo Libraries In Windows

Resemble.js is a web based image analysis and comparison tool that uses HTML5 canvas and Javascript to compare between 2 images and show the areas that are mismatched. All you need to do is drag the 2 different photos into the boxes and the diff image will instantly show up at the right hand side. You have the options to ignore colors and antialiasing, changing the diff color from pink to yellow, and displaying the background as opaque or transparent.

There is a small problem with Resemble.js where the images to be compared must be a square shape. If the images are rectangular, the lower part will be automatically cut off which means you won’t get a full comparison between the pictures.

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Is there a freeware which compares live image with a reference image and highlights the defective points in the live image?

Wafa3 years ago

Please if you find a solution to this, let me know. I need the same.


For windows Visipics is an awesome program. It can compare large numbers of files in a number of formats. The only downside is that it only looks at the picture differences and not the exif information. You could lose your original photo with the exif information using the default auto select tool.

Leon Peck5 years ago

Does anybody know of image comparison software that is a bit smarter than pixel type comparison for use with text images?? I’d like to be able to compare images files of text where the words should be largely the same, and I want the comparison to highlight where not, but there are pixel level differences due to font differences etc. Any ideas to explore would be wonderful to help in a large research exercise, thanks.


You could probably use OCR and compare text. If font changes image compare wont provide much value.

James5 years ago

Very Interest Info.
I love this

Compare 2 photo libraries freeReply

thanks a lot ! what an awesome sharing of your experience .

DJ5 years ago

Thanks mate!

I needed an article like this.


Most of these games where you can win prices finding the differences use a trick to fool the above mentioned software. They shift the pictures one pixel. As a result the software will conclude that almost everything on the pictures does not compare with each other.

SLA12 years ago

Thank you! :)
I couldn’t find ANY image differencing software for windows. You helped me :)


Thanks Raymond

norman12 years ago

this application is very interesting. let me try this one. thank you very much ray.

Compare 2 Photo Libraries In Photoshop


This is a pretty handy app.

Pravin Loke12 years ago

This is really very good utility………


Hi Raymond. You always gives good ideas.
Thanks for this new one. It is nice to visit this site. I like your post

ReplyCompare 2 photo libraries near me
findmehere.genius12 years ago

Its all this thing that makes me more attracted towards Digiworld……Thanks Ray


welcome back raymond!!!!!

safeguy12 years ago

I am no image expert myself but this tool seems handy. I don’t need this now but it’s useful info nevertheless. The two pics really didn’t seem any different. If you hadn’t tell, I wouldn’t have guessed.


interesting article, ray…

Tuan Long-Viet Nam12 years ago

thank RayMond


Thanks Raymond… You are on track now… let the IT information flow as like before…


Compare 2 Photo Libraries Without

Compare 2 photo libraries online
Sp12 years ago

WOW, THANKS !!! Great app if it works what it says!


Thanks Ray………………..

vTechTip12 years ago

Interesting, thanks Raymond!


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