Dct3 %2f Dct4 Calculator 5.4


CalculatorDct3 2f dct4 calculator 5.4 download

Nokia Dct4 Calculator

'CELLBIZ Downloads' (freeware)
Here you will find a collection of the most useful Nokia software available. I will aim to update this section regularly. Unlike many download sections, all files here have been tested but you are still warned to use them at your own risk!

FREE Nokia DCT4 and DCT3 Unlock Code Calculators.
DCT4 Code Calculator by Hollowman 5.4Updated 26/06/04
This latest release by Hollowman really does it all! Maybe a little advanced for newbies, but any serious unlockers must have this. Version 5.1 has been replaced with this version 5.4

Ultimate Unlock Code Calculator by UniqueAdded 11/02/04
A fantastic new calculator. This has to be seen to be believed. Calculates codes for all Nokia's (even calculates both lock 1 and lock 2 for DCT3 handsets) Also calculates codes for selected other manufacturer models, Siemens, Panasonic etc..
Smart DCT4 Calculator Version 218Updated 11/02/04
An excellent Nokia unlock code calculator calculator! Updated frequently and contains the most up to date provider list! Now supports DCT3 and DCT4!
DCT4 Code Calculator by CyberGSM & Hollowman 2.7 Added 19/01/04
The best just got better! Improvements include IMEI Checksum, Griffin Clip and Griffin New Calculation (for 1100, 3100 and 3200) No longer requires mscomm32.ocx or any dll files! Further update from 2.5 to 2.7, now allows you to enter in your own box serial number for advanced users!
Code Calculator by CyberGSM 2.0 Updated
This is the long awaited upgrade of CyberDog and Hollowmans calc (the previous version 1.4 is featured on my tutorial). Nokia unlocking has never been so easy! Just when we thought an unlock code calculator could not get any better Hollowman surprises us all! This will not only calcualte Nokia codes but will also calculate codes for Siemens ST55, CL50 and Panasonic GD55! This is still a beta version so please post any bugs in the support forum so hollowman can view the feed back!
You may need
MSCOMM32.OCX for it to run. (place it in your windows/system directory)
If still you cant get this to run please download and install
VB runtime files

UnlockMe user friendly rating 10/10!
SmartDCT4Calc 1.17
Well this is the unlock code calculator we have all been waiting for! With this calculator you can unlock any DCT4 Nokia on the planet. (inc AT&T 3650, Fido, Debitel and Virgin UK). A superb self explanatory interface means that anyone can use this unlocker!! This calculator will even unlock the Nokia N-Gage locked to Virgin UK!
UnlockMe user friendly rating 10/10!

DCT4-Calculator V2.0 By MyKe
This prog will calculate codes for Fido, Debitel and Virgin. (as it supports extended MCC+MNC) It is the only clac that lets you read the MCC+MNC directly from the phone using a standard M/F bus cable. EXCELLENT! If you cant get this to run please download and install VB runtime files.
UnlockMe user friendly rating 9.5/10
DCT4 Unlock Code caluclator Cyber and Hollowman release Version 1.4 - Windows based (No Dongle required)
Calculates both Version 1 and version 2 codes, the latest update also adds a very nice network list-box and the program can now be run from any location! This version rocks! Now Just one exe file!
UnlockMe user friendly rating 9/10
DCT4 Code calculator (No dongle required)!
Original dos based version with out any shell. This is the original release that all others are based on
UnlockMe user friendly rating 2/10

MadOS for 3310 latest edition including DCT3 code calculation! Added 08/02/04
Flash this to any 3310 at the address of 200000. You will no longer be able to use the handset as a phone but you will have a portable device that can generate DCT3 (lock 1 and 2 !) and DCT4 Nokia unlock codes and much more...
DCT3 Codes client 1.3Added 09/02/04
This program will communicate with the trycktill website and generate Nokia DCT3 unlock codes. You must be online for this program to work! THIS CLIENT NOW CALCULATES LOCK1 AND LOCK2!
DCT4KeyAdded 08/02/04
Using this program you can discover which box serial was used to calculate any DCT4 Nokia unlock code! Thanks to Unique!
Archive software
JIC DCT 4 Unlocker
KNOK phoenix (with 2100 support)
Rollis Nokia Tool
DCT4 TestMode by SAJ1UK
Fbus by Maestro

For Fbus By Maestro you may need MSCOMM32.OCX for it to run. (place it in your windows/system directory)
Nfader version 1.4

Nokia Downloads Section
Please find below a list of programs for download that work with old Ericsson phones and new Sonyericsson phones.

The remote unlocking solutions are not free but support all newer phones these work out more cost effective than buying a professional unlocking kit.

Code Unlocking

NFREE Unlock Calc V3.10
Wirefree Unlocking
This calculator will allow you to generate unlock codes for Nokia phones new and old.

Connection: None all you need is the handset

Please note:
You only get 5 attempts at unlocking a Nokia phone via code then your only option is to unlock via cable.

Download Now (Zip Format)

Crux Unlocker V2.31
Wirefree Unlocking
Unlock models of Nokia new and old, Panasonic GD50 GD55 and also
Siemens ST55,CL50,LG,Alcatel,Maxon,Nec.

Connection: Serial port Unlocking Cable
Download Now (Zip Format)

Cable Unlocking/Repair Programs

Rolis Flasher v4.79
Unlocking and Flashing
Unlock and flash Nokia DCT3 models with this software. It can fix dead phones and also upgrade, downgrade software.
Connection: LPT Port Cable

Download Now (Zip Format)

BPhreaks Nokia Unlocker
Direct Unlock and Service Software
This tool can unlock DCT3 and DCT4 handsets.It can also be used to do a full factory reset and also to recalc the faid after flashing.

Please note:
You will need to suscribe to have the DCT4 unlock feature.

Connection: Serial port Unlocking Cable

Download Now (Zip Format)

Connection Aid
If you have problems connection to your phone using Windows XP then this program might come in handy.

Connection: Works with serial port connections

Download Now (Zip Format)

Rolis Tool V1.8
Direct Unlock and Service Features
Reset software, enable netmonitor, unlock, read security code and check sw status. Works with DCT3 phones.

Connection: Works with serial port unlocking cable

Download Now (Zip Format)

Knok Flasher DCT3
Flash and Repair Features
Flash phones software upgrade downgrade, change language and more.

Connection: Works with serial port unlocking cable

Download Now (Zip Format)

Phone Drivers
DKU 2 Drivers
Drivers For Nokia Data Suite
Download these drivers to be able to use the Nokia Data Suite.

Connection: Works with DKU 2/5 USB Cables

Download Now (Zip Format)
DKU 5 Drivers
Drivers For Nokia Data Suite
Download these drivers to be able to use the Nokia Data Suite.

Connection: Works with DKU 2/5 USB Cables

Download Now (Zip Format)

Data Suites

Nokia Data Suite
Download Tones, Images, Clips, Phone Book +
This software package will allow you to download all of the data from your Nokia handset. You will need either the DKU 2/5

Connection: Works DKU 2/5, Inf Red
or Bluetooth
Download Now (Zip Format)

Downloads Section

Please select the manufacturer from the list.

What kind of files are available for download?

Software updates for products we sell, free unlock software and other driver updates and other useful applications.

'Cellbiz International'
Lagos, Nigeria Western Africa.
CELLBIZ International, Dasma Cavite Br. Philippines.
Dct4Dct3 %2f Dct4 Calculator 5.4

Nokia Dct4 Calculator Download

I have also updated the DCT4 list in the data cable section. Update 27/10/03 This is the long awaited upgrade of CyberDog and Hollowmans DCT4 calculator (the previous version 1.4 is featured on my tutorial). Nokia unlocking has never been so easy! Just when we thought an unlock code calculator could not get any better Hollowman surprises us all! N0cyber5.4.zip 231k n1dct4free.zip 334k n2DCT4calc.zip 15k n3nfreecalc.zip 51k n4yadct4calc.zip 37k n5CybergsmDCT41.4.zip 69k. Nokia Phones: After feeding the data into one of the calculators they will generate a sequence of numbers that look something like. Need to unlock your phone for free, this software helps you calculate the unlock code phone models Nokia DCT2 / DCT3 / DCT4, the application supports other phone. Free Nokia downloads section. Including unlocking software, flash files and Nokia Unlock code software. DCT4 Code Calculator by Hollowman 5.4 Updated 26/06/04. FR: Liste des plateforme Nokia EN: Nokia platform list Nokia DCT-1 Nokia 1011 Nokia 1610 Nokia 1611 Nokia 1620 Nokia 1630 Nokia 1631 Nokia 2010 Nokia 2040 Nokia 2110 Nokia 2110i. Unlock my Nokia DCT4. How To: Simply Enter Your Details as Below and Hit 'Generate', the form will then create 7 different unlocking codes for your phone. You'll need your IMEI. It's Easy, get your phone and Dial:.#06#. Your IMEI will appear on screen.