Dragon Nest Japanese To English Patch


Dragon Nest is a VERY fun game! The graphics are really nice and the game play is very entertaining — though, sometimes it can be kind of repetitive, but what game isn’t?

Dragon Nest is a VERY fun game! The graphics are really nice and the game play is very entertaining — though, sometimes it can be kind of repetitive, but what game isn’t? I was able to attend the “Extended Closed Beta Test” because HanGame opened the game to everyone who has a HanGame account. Dragon Nest Translation Patch Update. I forgot to post this, to it shouldn’t have any concequences because the script inclded in the current patch are for Ray Mechanic quests which are still not enabled. I owe you some mods, like hairstyles. I will get on those eventually. #Dragon Nest #Dragon Nest Mods #changelog.

I was able to attend the “Extended Closed Beta Test” because HanGame opened the game to everyone who has a HanGame account. I played it with an American friend who lives in Japan, but since there was a time restriction and the game had many errors for foreign players, it only happened to be Phantasm and I. I just managed to squeeze in level 15 (which was the cap level for Closed Beta Testing) about 15 to 20 minutes before the server shut down on the final day and I received the title “Closed Beta Test Master.” 😛

Overall, the game was a BLAST. I can’t wait until the next wave of testing begins.

I checked a while ago to see if HanGame had released any information on the next testing phase, but there were no notices. I logged into the site and clicked “Game Start” just to see what happened and this popped up :

The message says :


“Thank you for participating in the EXCBT!
Open Beta is planned to begin on May 27th.”

I’m definitely going to attend the next wave! I hope more foreigners get to play this time around.

If you wish to register for HanGame and Dragon Nest Japan, I’ve whipped up a simple registration guide. Just go to https://member.hangame.co.jp/registration/index.nhn?kind=easygame on Internet Explorer and follow this guide :

Dragon Nest Japanese To English Patch Download

The other steps don’t require reading. Just know that when you go to activate your account through your e-mail, press the 確認 option (the left one).

Good luck to anyone that tries to play! I hope to see you in-game!!

Sep 24th, 2010

Dragon Nest Japanese To English Patch Version

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  1. --------
  2. Download the client, 2 methods.
  3. Method 1: http://dlc2.sdo.com/FTP/DN/20100826/1/DragonNest_Setup_1.1.0.0.exe
  4. Torrent: http://mini-patch.sdo.com/ctorrent/DN_1.1.0.1.torrent
  5. --------
  6. You need the below files and in most cases MUST run them as admin if using Windows Vista/7.
  7. Please execute these in order. The launcher / client must not be running when patching.
  8. For each patch when installing, you will see a bunch of gibberish with selection boxes,
  9. Patch 1: http://dlc2.sdo.com/FTP/DN/20100826/3/DragonNest_Patch_v27-28.exe
  10. Patch 2: http://dlc2.sdo.com/FTP/DN/20100830/1/DragonNest_Patch_v28-30.exe
  11. Patch 3: http://dlc2.sdo.com/FTP/DN/20100903/1/DragonNest_Patch_v30-31.exe
  12. Patch 4: http://dlc2.sdo.com/FTP/DN/20100913/2/DragonNest_Patch_v31-32.exe
  13. Patch 5: http://dlc2.sdo.com/FTP/DN/20100916/1/DragonNest_Patch_v32-33.exe
  14. Patch 6: http://dlc2.sdo.com/FTP/DN/20100920/1/DragonNest_Patch_v33-34.exe
  15. If patched correctly, when you open the launcher again you should see ver.31 in the top left.
  16. If you see that then close the launcher and prepare for the English patching.
  18. There are three links which you will need to extract to where you installed Dragon Nest.
  19. Please make sure that when extracting these files to the dragon nest folder,
  20. that it is only the files you have extracted and not any folders to the installation folder.
  21. The links
  22. http://www.sendspace.com/file/y6a1a8
  23. http://dn-translation.googlecode.com/files/SuperPack.rar
  24. (Optional) http://dn-translation.googlecode.com/files/Resource00-ChatFilterDisabler.pak
  25. Now, after extracting those files to your Dragon Nest folder, you must execute one file and
  26. THIS IS THE ONLY FILE YOU NEED TO RUN, do not run the other ones.
  27. You can even delete the other ones if you like. When the black command prompt pops up,
  28. type patch and press enter. If all goes well the game will be patched and
  29. UPDATE: You must go into your Dragon Nest folder and delete the file ' Resource01-English-UI.pak '
  31. You will need three browser tabs open to do this.
  32. http://register.sdo.com/PTNew/input_pt.aspx?from=2&zone=IdRequired
  33. http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=&ie=UTF-8&text=Enter+Name&sl=en&tl=zh-CN#
  34. On the first link for the first field, you will need to enter a user name, all lowercase,
  35. 4-16 characters in length. If the user name is crossed out then choose another one.
  36. For the second field your password goes here, 6-10 characters in length.
  37. For the third field you're going to need to take a look at the second link mentioned above
  38. and replace 'Your Name' with whatever you want, then copy the translated text in the right panel.
  39. Paste this text into the third field of the registration.
  40. For the fourth field you're going to need a randomly generated Chinese ID number which
  41. can be obtained from the third link. Just copy any one of those Chinese ID numbers and paste
  42. You do not need to enter anything for the fifth field of the registration page, Hit the yellow button.
  43. If all goes well then you should see your account name and some Chinese next.
  44. You can close your tabs now, you're done with the registration.
  45. --------
  46. Run the launcher of the game. Click the big green button to the left of the launcher.
  47. Select the top left option and then click the big button to confirm.
  48. Now your bars on the launcher should be 100%.
  49. Click the big red button and your game should now patch it's protection system and launch.
  50. When the game is running, you will be able to log in, all is self explanatory at this stage.
  51. We play on Servers 1 (when logging in, it will be the server with 1 in the text.)
  52. From there, you will be able to create your character and select a channel, from this point it doesn't even matter.
  53. Some times when launching the client, you won't be able to log in to the server your characters are stored on.
  54. To resolve this issue, completely restart your client until you see the option to select your server.
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