Highlight Current Row In Excel For Mac


AUTO-HIGHLIGHT THE ACTIVE ROW WHEN A CELL IS SELECTED. In this guide, you will learn how to highlight a row automatically when you (or someone else) selects a cell in a sheet. This way it is always easy for the user to see which row is selected. This is helpful in spreadsheets that are set up with vertical entries – like a database. To highlight the cell of current day or the date is in the current week or month, you can do the following steps: #1 select the range of cells that you want to highlight date. #2 go to HOME tab, click Conditional Formatting command under Styles group, and click Highlight Cells Rules menu from the drop down menu list, then select A Date. Growing list of Excel Formula examples (and detailed descriptions) for common Excel tasks. Excel Boot Camp Learn Excel in Excel – A complete Excel tutorial based entirely inside an Excel spreadsheet. Click the right-corner of the address box and select the entire row for the initially selected cell and then click the right-corner of the address box again to insert the entire row's range in the 'applies to' box. Then click Okay. The cell's entire row will now be shaded. If you prefer to use a named range, you can refer to the cell's entire. Highlight the selected row or column only Of course, the above formatting for row and columns is also the way to highlight just the row or column. Use either the row or column conditional formatting. (we left the column conditional formatting in case we change our mind.).

How to highlight selected row / column / column and row in Excel?

In a large worksheet, it may be easier for you to read the data by highlighting the entire row, column or both row and column, because of losing track of where the selected cell is located when you scroll the worksheet. This article, I will talk about how to highlight the whole row, column or both row and column of the selected cell, and when the cell changes, the column or row of the new cell are highlighted automatically.

Highlight the row / column / column and row of selected cell with Kutools for Excel

Highlight Active Row In Excel Macro

Highlight the row / column / column and row of selected cell with Conditional Formatting

Highlight Current Row In Excel For Mac

In fact, Conditional Formatting is a powerful function, it can help you to highlight the whole row, column or column and row of active cell, and changes with the cell moves, please do as follows:

1. Go to the worksheet that you want to use, and click cell A1, then select the whole worksheet, (you can click on the square at the intersection of the row and column headers), see screenshot:

2. Then click Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule to open the New Formatting Rule dialog, in the popped out dialog, please click Use a formula to determine which cells to format option, and enter this formula: =OR(CELL('col')=CELL('col',A1),CELL('row')=CELL('row',A1)) into the Format values where this formula is true text box, see screenshot:

Tips: To highlight the entire row of selected cell, please apply this formula: =ROW()=CELL('row'), to highlight the selected column only please use this formula: =COLUMN()=CELL('col').

3. Go on clicking Format button, and in the Format Cells dialog box, please specify a color for highlighting the row and column of active cell under the Fill tab, see screenshot:

4. And then click OK > OK to exit the dialogs, now, you can see the whole column and row of selected cell A1 have been highlighted at once, then, you can click any cell and press F9 key to highlight the selected entire column and row, see screenshot:

Highlight the row / column / column and row of selected cell with Kutools for Excel

If the Conditional Formatting method is a little difficult for you, I can introduce a handy tool- Kutools for Excel, with its Reading Layout utility, you can highlight the row, column, row and column of the selected cell with only one click.

Kutools for Excel: with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days.

Highlight Current Row In Excel For Mac

After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as follows:

1. Select a cell which you want to highlight the column and row, then, click Kutools > Reading Layout, and the column and row of the selected cell have been highlighted, when you click other cell or range of cells, the column and row of the new cell are highlighted automatically, see screenshot:


Highlight Current Row In Excel For Mac Free

1. You can go the Reading Layout Settings dialog box to set the highlighted color and the shapes, styles as you need.

2. If you want to cancel the highlighting, just click Kutools > Reading Layout again to disable the auto shading.

Demo: Highlight the row / column / column and row of selected cell with Kutools for Excel

Highlight current row in excel for mac download

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Highlight Current Row In Excel For Mac

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Highlight Current Row In Excel For Macbook

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Highlight Current Row In Excel For Mac Shortcut

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How do I highligh the entore Row of the current cell using macros?
I have used the below mentioned macros however they dont seem to working as per my need.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Union(Target.EntireRow, Target.EntireColumn).Select
Intersect(Target.EntireRow, Target.EntireColumn).Activate
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
If I use the above, the cell and its Row and Colunm is being highlighted in grey color.
Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'Update 20140318 'Updated By dlsodders for
'Select Just Row
Static xRow
If xRow <> ' Then
With Rows(xRow).Interior
.ColorIndex = xlNone
End With
End If
pRow = Selection.Row
xRow = pRow
With Rows(pRow).Interior
.ColorIndex = 10
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
End Sub
If I use this, then just that Row gets highlighted in Green, however any background colour to a Row gets removed.
Can anyone please help in writing a code that will just highlight the Row of current cell in light Grey color without removing the backgound color/fill ?
Thank you,