Rules Of Concord In English Pdf


Rules Of Concord In English Pdf

Concord in english grammar rules hi student, the theme for today in the English language is the 24 rules of harmony which means an agreement between the elements of phrase in grammar. You have read lexis and structure, noun and pronoun, present tense, past tense, past participle, future tense, abnormal verbs, and Ne-plus ultra adjectives – the 24 rules of concord. The 24 rules of. ENGLISH GRAMMAR NOTE AND WORKSHEET FOR GRADE 8 Name: Section: April, 2020 The 19 Rules of Subject Verb Agreement (Concord) in Standard English 1. Subjects and verbs must agree in number. This is the cornerstone rule that forms the background of the concept. The dog growls when he is angry.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

Subject-Verb Concord Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers PDF

The Subject and Verb must agree in number and person. Look at the following rules that need to be kept in mind:

  1. A singular subject takes a singular verb. (verb + s/es)
  2. A plural subject takes a plural verb. (bare infinitive)
  3. Collective nouns such as crowd, congregation, family, group etc may take a singular or plural verb depending upon the sense. If the collective noun refers to a single unit, the verb used is singular but if the noun refers to a collection of individuals, the verb used is plural.
  4. Nouns plural in form and plural in meaning For example: physics, athletics, mumps take a singular verb.
  5. Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning. For example: words like trousers, scissors take a plural verb.
  6. Nouns joined by and take a plural verb.
  7. Nouns joined by and but referring to the same person take a singular verb.
  8. In subjects joined by or, nor, either, neither, the verb agrees with the subject nearest to the verb.
  9. The title of a book/ play takes a singular verb irrespective of form.
  10. Words/ phrases expressing periods of time, fractions, weights, measurements and amounts of money are regarded as singular and take a singular verb.

Subject-Verb Concord Exercises Solved Examples with Answers for Class 7 CBSE

What Are The Rules Of Concord In English


A. Use the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the passages given below.

Question 1.
Every …………………………….. (generation/generations) has its own characteristics, group’s language, technological influences, workplace attitudes, way of life, etc. A generation gap …………………………….. (consist/ consists) of these differences between the …………………………….. (member/ members) of two different generations.

These generation gaps …………………………….. (has/have) been prevalent throughout the history but the gulf …………………………….. (has/have) widened in the 20th and 21st centuries. The term “generation gap” …………………………….. (was/were) first used in the 1960s. It is because the younger generation showed significant …………………………….. (difference/differences) in their beliefs and opinions compared to what their parents’ generation projected.
Every generation has its own characteristics, group’s language, technological influences, workplace attitudes, way of life, etc. A generation gap consists of these differences between the members of two different generations.

Rules of concord in english language pdf

These generation gaps have been prevalent throughout the history but the gulf has widened in the 20th and 21st centuries. The term “generation gap” was first used in the 1960s. It is because the younger generation showed significant differences in their beliefs and opinions compared to what their parents’ generation projected.

Question 2.
A great deal of the time in our lives …………………………….. (come) from the use of our senses. This is because our senses …………………………….. (open) up a world a plethora of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and things to touch. The sharper our senses …………………………….. (be) the more we use them. In turn the more we use them, the enjoyable this world …………………………….. (appear) to us. For instance, a musician …………………………….. (hear) the music in nature that many of us do not and a painter …………………………….. (see) shades and shapes which a visually less gifted people cannot.
A great deal of the time in our lives ………..(come) of the time in our lives (come) from the use of our senses. This is because our senses open up a world a plethora of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and things to touch. The sharper our senses are, and the more we use them. In turn the more we use them, the enjoyable this world appears to us. For instance, a musician hears the music in nature that many of us do not and a painter sees shades and shapes which a visually less gifted people cannot.

Question 3.
Environmentalists fear that if quick action …………………………….. (be) not taken, the population of wild elephants will further decrease. If this …………………………….. (continue) unabated, we shall find these creatures in sanctuaries. The male – female ratio …………………………….. (be) is anyways a skewered one. When people encroach on elephant land, the animals will …………………………….. (stray) dangerously close to human preserves. When forests …………………………….. (be) cut indiscriminately, elephants will turn crop raiders and attack farmers. As long as ivory …………………………….. (continue) to fetch a high price, crimes will continue against these peaceful animals.
Environmentalists fear that if quick action is not taken, the population of wild elephants will further decrease. If this continues unabated, we shall find these creatures in sanctuaries. The male-female ratio is anyways a skewered one. When people encroach on elephant land, the animals will stray dangerously close to human preserves: When forests are cut indiscriminately, elephants will turn crop raiders and attack farmers. As long as ivory continues to fetch a high price, crimes will continue against these peaceful animals.

B. There is an error in each of the following lines. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided against each line.

Rules Of Concord In English Pdf Free

The Indian government have reported that about 1. ……………………………..
over 8,000 woman a year died as a result of dowry 2. ……………………………..
abuse in India. Mäny more was maimed and injured. 3. ……………………………..
These figures is alarming but the reality is even more 4. ……………………………..
alarming because these is only the reported cases. 5. ……………………………..
Dowry refer to gifts of cash or other valuable items 6. ……………………………..
that is exchanged between the families of the bride 7. ……………………………..
and groom. It were a voluntary act in the beginning. 8. ……………………………..
1. has
2. die
3. were
4. are
5. are
6. refers
7. are
8. was

Rules Of Concord In English Pdf Download

C. There is an error in eachnof the following lines. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided against each line.

Rules Of Concord In English Pdf File

Animal cruelty can take many different form. 1. ……………………………..
It does include obvious and intentional acts of violence, 2. ……………………………..
but it also include animals neglect or the failure to 3. ……………………………..
looks after its welfare. In fact this also 4. ……………………………..
include any form of psychological harm. There 5. ……………………………..
is so many ways of being cruel that Animal Welfare Acts 6. ……………………………..
6. may include act such as confining or transporting an animal 7.
in a way that are inappropriate for its welfare. 8. ……………………………..
1. forms
2. not only includes
3. includes
4. their
5. includes
6. are
7. acts
8. is