Timez Attack


Timez attack free download Timez Attack free download, download Timez Attack for free. Timez Attack is a first person shooter game where you do maths as fast as possible instead of shooting!

There are a lot of computer games out there for kids of all ages. Most of those games offer nothing more than mindless activity, while other games at the very least add puzzles or other brain-teasers into the mix. However, the folks over at Big Brainz have developed an innovative new way to teach kids multiplication facts through adventure gaming.
The idea of multiplication or math games is nothing new. In fact, math games have been around for almost as long as computers have been in the home and in the school. As early as the 1990s, you could find math games on computer systems in many of the more progressive schools across the world.
However, Big Brainz has taken the concept of math games to a whole new level with a creative game called Timez Attack. This game presents multiplication challenges to children in an environment that features rich graphics and a fascinating adventure gaming experience that will keep kids enthralled with the story, even as they are learning math along the way.

Starting a New Game

The first step when you install and launch the game is to create a name for that game. The program allows you to save multiple games, which is great if there are multiple children in the house that want to play it.

Multiplication or Division

The next step is to choose what game type you want to play. The nice thing about the Timez Attack download is that it comes packaged with both the Timez Attack (multiplication) as well as the Division Expansion pack. You can choose which operation you want the game to focus on by choosing the associated icon.

Finding Challenges

Finally, once the game launches, you'll find yourself in an amazing world filled with high quality computer graphics and even a soundtrack and sound effects that kids will love. The game has the look and feel of some of the most popular retail adventure games on the market for kids.
Movement of the character can take place with either the mouse or the arrow keys, and answers to the math questions throughout the game take place with the keypad.

Choosing a Grade Level

After a short pre-test that lets kids quickly learn and understand how the game-play works, the next step is to choose the appropriate grade level. This allows the game to offer up age-appropriate math content that will challenge the child, but will also keep the difficulty level within the estimated range for that age group. If your child is a little advanced, it's perfectly fine to choose a higher grade level.

Answering Math Questions

The majority of the game consists of locating and answering math challenges in order to open passageways and unlock secret doors or gates. In some cases the challenges start off easy, but as you advance through the levels, the difficulty of the challenges continues to increase as well.

Accomplishing Missions

In some cases, kids will see actual animation take place in response to answering questions correctly. For example, in this challenge, as the child answers questions correctly, the drawbridge lowers a little bit further. Complete all of the math challenges correctly, and the drawbridge lowers so that you can cross.

See Results

At the end of each level, you'll see a pop-up box that displays the success for that level. The graph shows what stage you've completed, as well as how many correct answers you had compared to the total answers. As you move through the levels you'll also see how much you've improved.

Fighting With Math

Some of the math challenges are pretty exciting! At different times in the game, your character may be confronted with an opponent that he or she has to fight. You'll always see a math challenge as part of those fights. Answer the question correctly, and you score a hit. Answer wrong, and you've missed. Once you answer them all correctly, your opponent will fall to the ground, and you win!

Make it to the Goal

Once you make it through the entire level, you'll discover the portal that moves you on to the next level. Every level offers even more interesting graphics, harder challenges, and exciting twists and turns on your math adventure.
BigBrains really outdid themselves with this fun math game. It's a brilliant game that not only encourages children to practice their math skills by encouraging them with a game, but it also encourages retention of those math facts through careful repetition.
Video games are fast becoming the preferred method of many parents and teachers to help foster education and learning both at home and in the classroom. The Timez Attack game is a perfect example of one of those cutting edge educational tools.

By Michael Hartley

Some time ago, a visitor to this site told me about an educational video game called Timez Attack. She told me it was wonderful for her kids, and hoped it would be helpful for my readers too. So, I bought the game, and wrote a review of it, posting it to this site. You can read my review of Timez Attack here. Timez Attack is a real 3D game made by experienced game designers. The makers claim it is used by over a million people. You can visit their website at ImagineLearning.com.

Now, more recently, I learned of another educational video game, also aiming to teach kids times tables - Arithmemouse. Arithmemouse is also a real 3D game produced by professional game designers. I decided that a review of Arithmemouse would be a perfect complement to my earlier review, and also decided to compare the two games side-by-side. You can also visit the arithmemouse.com website

So, this page compares Timez Attack and Arithmemouse on a number of points. Let's begin...!

Timez Attack 2020

Timez Attackis a real 3D computer game, made by professional game designers, that aims to teach kids their times tables. The main character is a miniature 'Shrek'.

Arithmemouseis a real 3D computer game, made by professional game designers, that aims to teach kids their times tables. The main character is a blue mouse in a spacesuit.

So far, so good! But if you're going to spend money, you need to know a few things - will your kids play the game? Will they learn from it? Let's talk about the first point first - What's it like to play these games? This is where we start to see a difference...

Timez Attackbegins in a dungeon, and proceeds to a dragon's cave and a robot's lair - each moodily lit, with traps and monsters. The player's character - something like Shrek on a diet - displays anxiety when faced with math problems, and jubilation when the player gets them right. The music fits well with the overall (somewhat dark) mood. The character might die, which means the player must start again from the last checkpoint reached.

Arithmemousebegins at a spaceship landing zone, and proceeds to a series of indoor gardens - each brightly lit and brightly colored. If the player stops for a while, their character turns, smiles, and encourages the player on with a wave of its paw. The music (and the whole game, in fact) is more cheerful than that of Timez Attack, again, fitting well with the overall mood. The mouse never dies, and there are no threatening monsters.

So Arithmemouse is a more cheerful, colorful game. Which is more educational?

Timez Attack teaches kids to remember their times tables. When they have to answer a times table question, they must actually type it in. What's more, each question answered correctly will need to be answered correctly again, later, several times, with a time limit. This is perfect for pushing the facts into the child's long-term memory. The game does not teach the 0, 1 or 10 times tables.

Arithmemouse teaches kids to recognize the correct answers to times tables questions. Instead of typing in the answer, the player will be faced with a dozen or so possible answers. Choosing the correct answer leads to progress through the maze, the wrong one to a reminder of what they should have chosen and an opportunity to try again. There is less repetition than in Timez Attack, and kids are able to skip times tables they don't want to try.

Timez Attack Mac

Timez attack big brainz

In my opinion, both will help kids learn their times tables, though Timez Attack holds the kids to a higher standard than Arithmemouse. This means they'll have learned more when they finish, but also means they will find the game more challenging. Next, how much do the games cost?

Timez Attack Free

Timez Attack costs $39.99 for a home-use license, $20 for a 'deluxe' license which has more different scenery and will hold your child's attention for longer. There are special school licenses available, which must be renewed annually. There's also a free version, which teaches all the times tables that the full version does - however, the free version doesn't have the dragon's cave or robot's lair - the player is in the dungeon for the whole game, and will see the other levels advertised in the game.

Arithmemouse costs $9.95 for a home-use license - less than half the price of Timez Attack. There are special school license available, which must be renewed annually. The free trial version teaches only the two times tables.

Any other information?

Timez Attack was first produced in 2004, and over 5 years has been downloaded over a million times. I don't know if that includes the free version! It seems Timez Attack is also available in Spanish. It is available in Windows and Mac versions, and is about a 35-40 Mb download.

Arithmemouse was first produced in late 2009, so can't yet boast a million users! It runs under Windows - no Mac or Linux version yet - and is about a 30-35Mb download for the full version.

My recommendation : The cheery atmosphere of Arithmemouse, the lower difficulty level, and the fact that the 0, 1 and 10 times tables are taught suggest that the author was thinking of it as a first tool for times table learning. The darker atmosphere and greater challenge of Timez Attack suggest it is pitched at older kids. Therefore, my recommendation depends on where your kids are at. Ideally, I'd say to start kids on Arithmemouse from grade 1 or even kindergarten, and they'll have a huge advantage when they begin to meet their times tables in grades 2 or 3. Then, graduate them onto Timez Attack to firm up their knowledge of important times table facts. If you are on a tight budget, get Arithmemouse and the free version of Timez Attack. If you really must choose one or the other, remember that Timez Attack is better for learning, but some kids will find Arithmemouse more attractive.

Whichever you choose, you'll have a valuable learning tool on your PC that your kids think of as a cool 3D computer game!

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